안녕하세요 예비 미국 간호사 선생님들
이번에는 Penyton에 대해 공부해봅시다.
이 문제는 보통 Below passing level입니다.
** Phenytoin 이란, Anticonvulsant
** Therapeutic effect range: 10-20
Rule #1. Mouth care
- Phenytoin causes gingival hyperplasia (overgrowth of gum tissue)
Rule #2. Folic acid suplement
- To reduce its side effect
- Folic acid = B9
Rule #3. Take without Ca+ and food (Empty stomach)
- Decrease bone density
- lead "osteoporosis" by inhibiting Ca+ absorption.
- lead rash
- NO with Anti-acid
- STOP feeding 1-2 hour before taking this medication
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