안녕하세요 예비 미국 간호사 선생님들
이번에는 ACE inhibitor (ending with "-pril") vs ARB (ending with "-sartan")에 대해 공부해봅시다.
이 문제는 보통 Below passing level입니다.
ACE inhibitor 이란, angiotensin-converting znysme inhibitor
Rule #1. Increased K+ and Cr
- (Orthostatic) Hypotension (Dizziness)
- high K+: by decreasing urinary K+ excretion
- high Cr: Renal impirment
Rule #2. Swallen tongue = life threatening
- Angio-edema
- Airway obstruction
- Stop drug infusion and report to MD
- Most common in African American
Rule #3 외워 "Diltiazem"
- given for Afib
- Ventricular rate control Priority
ARB 이란, angiotensin 2 receptor blocker is given for who is unable to take ACE inhibitors
Rule #1. Hypertension drug
- Prevent vasoconstriction
Rule #2. NO both ACE inhibitor and ARB given for "pregnancy"
- Tetratogenic
** Nitroglycin is nomally given for Angina or Ischemia (CAD) as vasodilation.
- Take upto 3 pills in 15 min interval
- Notify MD if it does not work
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