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NCLEX 준비- Peds GI


by 아메리칸 드림 2023. 2. 8. 15:44



안녕하세요 예비 미국 간호사 선생님들
이번에는 Peds GI 대해 공부해봅시다.
이 문제는 보통 passing level입니다.

* Pyloric stenosis

Rule #1. Dehydration
- elevated Hct or BUN
- due to vomitting

Rule #2. Metabolic Acidosis
- due to vomitting

Rule #3. Assesment
- Parental feeding tachnique

  • Infant feeding "Honey"?
  • Botulism; Life threatening
  • Never heat fomula in microwave for infant

- Compare current and birth weight

* Intissusception

Rule #1. Priority intervention = Abdominal rigidity with gaurding
- Peritonisis; Fever, rebound tenderness

Rule #2. Saline enema
- Passing normal brown stool

  • Report to MD as indication of reducing disease process

* Vomitting will be resolved when the disaese is resolved

* Hirschsprung Disease

Rule #1. Foul smelling diarrhea and fever
- Enterocolitis; life threatening
- can lead to spesis and death

Rule #2. Abdominal distention
- Increased abd girth must be reported

Rule #3. "Ribbon-like" stool
- expected

Rule #4. Green-ish vomitting
- expected

Rule #5. No passing stool in 48hrs
- expected

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