안녕하세요 예비 미국 간호사 선생님들
이번에는 cleft palate (구순열)에 대해 공부해봅시다.
이 문제는 보통 Below passing level입니다.
Rule #1. Feeding in position "supine" with elevated HOB
- Airway
Rule #2. Hard objects should NOT be placed in mouth
- NO a pacifier
- Leads to “Hemorrhage"
Rule #3. Remove elbow restraints for skin and circulatory assessment
Rule #4. "cheiloplasty" = surgery
- Suction equipment
Nclex 준비 - Reye Syndrome (0) | 2023.02.08 |
NCLEX 준비 - Ped nutrition (0) | 2023.02.08 |
NCLEX 준비- Peds GI (0) | 2023.02.08 |
Nclex 준비 - GTPAL calculation (0) | 2023.02.08 |
NCLEX 준비 - Abruptio Placentae vs Placenta previa (0) | 2023.02.08 |
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