Parenteral nutrition delivers nutrients to the body via the bloodstream
Rule #1. Priority is "Infaction"
Rule #2. Most important = "Sterile technique for dressing change at IV site"
Rule #3 conditions
- Chronic, severe diarrhea
- Gastrointestinal obstruction
- Enterocutaneous fistula
** Dumping syndrome ?
NCLEX 준비 - Hypercalcemia (0) | 2023.03.05 |
NCLEX 준비 - pheochromocytoma (0) | 2023.03.05 |
NCELX 준비 - when you notice pt is on the ground (0) | 2023.02.27 |
NCLEX 준비 - Restrain (0) | 2023.02.27 |
NCLEX 준비 - sterile technique (0) | 2023.02.27 |
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