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NCLEX 준비 - Cystic Fibrosis


by 아메리칸 드림 2023. 2. 7. 11:04



안녕하세요 예비 미국 간호사 선생님들
이번에는 Cystic Fibrosis 에 대해 공부해봅시다.
이 문제는 보통 passing level입니다.

Cystic Fibrosis란 thickened secretion due to impaired Cl- and Na+ channel regulation that causes exocrine gland dysfunction.

Rule #1. Respiratory care

- Potential complication:

  • Chronic hypoxemia
  • Frequent respiratory infection

- Teaching

  • -Manual chest physiotherapy
    • Bronchial hygiene
  •  Physical activity is encouraged to help thin secretion and remove them from airway

Rule #2. GI care

- Vitamin deficiencies

  • Thickened secretion obstruction the release of pancreatic enzyme, causing GI malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A,E,D,K)
  • GI malabsorption causing weight loss

- Teaching

  • Give pancreatic enzyme with meals and snacks (GI)
  • Increase salt and fluid intake when playing outside during hot weather (GI)
    • GI malabsorption of Cl- and Na+
  • High calories diet in protein and fat
    • Damaged tissue recover

Rule #3. Diet
- NO Chew any thing !!

  • can cause oral mucosa irritation

- Ok to open the capsule and sprinkle the Meds on applesauce

  • Sprinkle with acidic substance such as apple sauce
  • Do not take the capsule with milk 
    • 응고 가능성

- High protein, High calories, and High fat

  • Defective Protein responsible for transferring to Na+ and Cl-

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