NCLEX 준비 Hepatitis infection

아메리칸 드림 2023. 2. 7. 09:11

안녕하세요 미국 예비 간호사 선생님들
이번에는 Hepatitis infection에 대해서 공부해봅시다.

NCLEX passing level에서는 각 infection의 route만 아시면 됩니다.

Q. What is the best response from patient who have Hep A,B,C,D,E

Hep A route: Fecal/Oral
Hep B route: Needles or blood (Blood transfusion) & “Sexual”
* all sexual trasmission virus are NOT curable but vaccine is available (ex. HIV)
Hep C route: Needles or blood (Blood transfusion)
Hep D route: Needles or blood (Blood transfusion)
Hep E route: Fecal/Oral