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NCLEX 준비 - Psych others


by 아메리칸 드림 2023. 2. 26. 11:32



* delusion of persecution
- "Someone (person/goverment) will kill me"
* Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Lack of empathy
- Disregard for the right of others
* Histrionic personality disorder
- Excessive attention-seeking
*Narcissistic personality disorder
- Grandiosity


*Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder manifests when a patient alternates between mania and depression.

- Symptoms of mania include labile emotions, delusions, insomnia, poor judgment, and constant activity.

- Symptoms of depression include anhedonia, weight loss or gain, sleep disturbances, and negative thoughts. 

* Schizophrenia

- Anhedonia (무쾌감증)

- Avolition (무욕증 )

- Delusions

- Using words you never heard of (word salads)


출처: Archer Review


** Paranoia care plan

- Maintain consistent caregivers.

- Involve the client in decision-making.

- it is important to reinforce reality, it would be appropriate to acknowledge their feelings. Involving the client in the decision-making process and avoiding any surprises is essential. 

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