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Nclex 준비 - Fundamental Nursing


by 아메리칸 드림 2023. 2. 21. 08:21



안녕하세요 NCLEX를 준비하는 모든 미국 예비 간호사분들.
이번에는 NCLEX에서 passing level 문제로 물어보는 주제를 다루어볼까 합니다.

1. Pressure ulcer care

- Positionally frequently

- High protein diet


2. Elder abuse High risk

#Rule. Physical or Mental impairment

ex) Parkinson, Alzheimer or dimentia


3. Domenstic violence

- Cycle of Violence


4. Therapeutic communication

#Rule. Direct (핵심 단어 포함)& Open-ended question


5. Pre-op NPO

- NO rapid/short action Insulin


6. Post-op care Priority

#Rule. Airway (Resp) > Bleeding (Hematoma) or LOC (의식) > Infection > Altered body image (심리)


7. Post-op pain is NOT controlled? (everything goes UP)

- Tachycardia

- Nausea

- Mydriasis (동공 확대)

- Increased blood glucose


8. Infection
#Rule. Always "Hand-washing" (답)

9. Child Abuse suspicious
#Rule. Always "directly report" to protection agency FIRST !!

10. Cane usage
#Rule. Strong leg first, week leg, then cane

11. TB skin test
- remain 3mm is ok (>15mm is positive)
- Localized redness occurring on the day of the injection
- The patient should return in 48-72 hours to have the site assessed for induration

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12. Code color

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13. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (especially “Anorexia/Bulima Nervosa”) + Priority action for "Panic Attack"

  • Anorxia Nervosa: 식욕 저하증
    • Due to Perfectionism
  • Bulimia Nervosa: 신경성 폭식증
    • Due to Depression

Q. The nurse is caring for a client newly admitted to the mental health unit with bulimia nervosa. Which client statement requires immediate follow-up?
- First, Physiological needs or safety needs


Q. The emergency department (ED) nurse triages a client experiencing a panic attack. The client reports nausea, chest discomfort, and a feeling of impending doom. The nurse should plan to take which priority action based on the client's symptoms?

- Obtain a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) (Physiological needs)

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14. Ear surgery position

- lateral position the same side of surgery (bleeding)


15. Level of Prevention


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15. Hand washing

- When rinsing, hands and wrists should be rinsed thoroughly, keeping hands down and elbows up.

- During washing with soap, keep hands and forearms lower than elbows because hands are the most contaminated parts to wash

- After hand hygiene with soap and water, hands should be dried from the cleanest (the fingers) to the least clean (the wrists) with a paper towel 

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