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NCLEX 준비 - Organ Transplant


by 아메리칸 드림 2023. 2. 7. 02:57



안녕하세요 NCLEX를 준비하는 모든 미국 예비 간호사분들.

이번에는 NCLEX에서 passing level 문제로 물어보는 주제를 다루어볼까 합니다.


NCLEX에서 post-op care로 organ transplant에 대해서 많이 물어봅니다.

특히 Heart, Kidney, Liver transplant 가 자주 물어보는 주제입니다.


Q. What is the best for nurse to educate patient undergone organ transplant?


Rule #1. Immunosupressant is ALWAYS through "whole life time"

Rule #2. All organ transplant patient will follow up with "tissue biopsy to determine rejection"


- Heart transplant: Endomyocaridal biopsy

- Liver transplant: Liver biopsy >> Pt must lay down on their "RIGHT side"

- Kidney transplant: Kidney biopsy >> lay down on their "Abdomen" or "prone position"


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